of Pelemedia GmbH for participants in seminars, workshops, congresses, conventions, conferences and other such events (as at September 2009)
The following general terms and conditions of business regulate the contractual relationship between participants in seminars, workshops, congresses, conventions, conferences and other such events [hereinafter referred to as "event"] and Pelemedia GmbH [hereinafter referred to as "organizer"]. Participation in events is ruled solely by the following terms and conditions of business. Terms and conditions proposed by the customer, other than these, will not be recognized by the organizer, that is unless the latter has expressly confirmed their application in writing.
Registration for events is possible on the internet, by letter, fax or e-mail. A registration becomes legally binding through a written online or offline confirmation of registration on the part of the organizer. A registration becomes binding for the participant, recognizing the terms and conditions stated here, upon its receipt by the organizer. Should events have limited capacity for participants, registrations will be ordered by their date of receipt.
The registration fee for an event and the services included in the fee are shown in the event programs. The registration fee is in euros per person and event plus value-added tax.
The organizer reserves the right to substitute other speakers for those announced, and to make necessary amendments to the program while maintaining the overall character of an event. The organizer reserves the right to alter the date and location of an event for due cause.
Should it not be possible to conduct an event for reasons of force majeure (strike, lockout, business disruptions, etc), because of the cancellation of at least one booked part of an event, because of disturbance at the location of an event or because of an inadequate number of participants, the participant will be informed immediately. In such cases the ready paid registration fee will be refunded or a voucher issued for another event staged by the organizer. Further claims, e.g. for the reimbursement of traveling expenses, cost of overnight accommodation and non-productive time, are excluded, that is unless they stem from willful or grossly negligent actions on the part of employees of the organizer or other persons assisting in the performance of their obligations.
Travel to and from an event and overnight accommodation are to be organized, booked and paid for by the participant.
The registration fee is due for payment, in full and with no deductions, within ten (10) days of the date of the invoice. If the participant is in default of payment, the organizer is entitled to demand a late fee per annum of 5% above the prime landing rate issued by the European Central Bank. Should the organizer verifiably suffer higher damages through late payment, they are entitled to claim for them. Payment is made on account. The invoice must be paid before the commencement of an event. There is no general right to participation.
Upon cancellation of participation up to twenty-one (21) days before the commencement of an event the organizer will charge an administrative fee of fifty (50) euros for one-day events or one hundred (100) euros for events of several days (all prices plus value-added tax). The entire registration fee is due upon later cancellation or non-appearance. A substitute participant can be named at any time without extra cost. Cancellation is to be communicated in writing (to Pelemedia GmbH, Dept. Events, Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2, 85540 Haar, Germany, nmenrath@pelemedia.de), and is not effective until confirmed in writing by the organizer.
The printed and electronic material of an event is protected by copyright. Said material may not be reproduced, passed on to others or used in any other way without the express written approval of the organizer and the particular author. The organizer assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for any incorrectness in the content of papers, presentations and documentation.
The organizer is entitled to have photographs, film and sound recordings produced of an event, and to use them as advertising or for press releases without requiring the approval of a participant. This also applies to recordings produced by the press or television direct with the approval of the organizer. Photography, film and sound recordings require the express approval of the organizer.
In as much as events take place in the rooms and on the premises of third parties, the organizer cannot be held liable by a participant for accidents, loss of or damage to property, that is unless the claim results from willful or grossly negligent actions on the part of employees of the organizer or other persons assisting in the performance of their obligations.
The court of jurisdiction is the place of business of the organizer if the customer is a merchant in the sense of the German Commercial Code, a legal person under public law or a special fund under public law. The same applies in as much as the customer, upon taking legal action, has a place of business or habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Should the provisions for participation be or become unenforceable, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions as well as the contract shall remain unaffected. In such a case the parties to the agreement shall endeavor to replace the unenforceable or inadequate provision by one that best reflects the economic purpose of the parties to the agreement.